Monday, October 15, 2007

E-Learning:The Anytime, Anywhere Option

Cool well this is pretty well interesting.You don't have to run around like a headless chicken all because of your schedule and other stuff like that.Instead it's online and just keep up with your work and stay on task.Especially if you play sick just to stay home and afraid to miss your favorite show like "mr.Roger and the neighborhood".Yeah that sounds like some kids alright,the ones who listen to mm and all transvestite with afros yeah them...But not the easily distracted ones!Anyways it seems a cool thing to do...not transvestite!I mean the e-learning with online.IT'll be like staying home and do your work while everyone does their own.Well nothing to talk about but COOL!

Also a box of pizza and gummy worms on the side and a bottle of faigo.Now that's what you call a class party...if they have one that is.

Eapce verynoee!

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