Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Creative?You?Yesh! (article)

Well the article I have read today is about being creative,everyone has it.It's a gift from god!You know like the Transformers?God made man,Then the man made the Transformers so its a sign made from god!Well as I read it I thought Creative doesn't mean you're unique from anyone.Well yeah we are unique but you don't have to show off your mind like it's end of the world and you're the next prophet or anything. It's like what I said its just normal everyone has it.And I'm tired of a bunch of losers saying they're the one and the only unique.Well duh there's like how much people on the planet?Well I think the most strangest of all is my cousin.He's really really really strange but cool to hang out with.Anyways I seem to enjoy reading this article today.It just put everything impossible into reality.PEacE!


Chocolate_Psycho! said...

No sir. They are not a gift from God. They are an unholy curse from the beast we call the Desolate One.


Ronelda Rose Yazzie said...

This is well written and has a lot of information. Good Job!

prpmeetsgbk said...

Pssshhh!! I'm the only unquie one here! j/k lol

Xcellent Blog!

4 out of 5 stars!

X to the O,

Lissy said...

WE get our talent from what we desire, we pratice to become the best that it.
Then they become obesses with the art.
next thing you know you inspire you little brother.