Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Song for Healing
Well this was very quite interesting and cool.Well for me,black metal is the key to my heart.I love black metal so much it took my life kidderz but I do love it.I mostly use music to get away from every thing and cures my depression (I never hit that for 2 months now and totally happy).Lots of people tried to make me go to a therapist or the counselor so guess not then.Well yeah I love music so much.And its a good thing Julie is doing her job to help people well I think its cool to do that.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Keyed into Health Care
About this article,Well I do not know what it just said.But it does sound quite interesting such as working under your own roof than the hospital.But you got to have a reason for that though.Like this lady here has four kids under the age of 13!Like you know how babysitters are these days!?Also mother's are always busy with jobs and their children at the same time.Even a car accident that let her down alittle when she wanted to study medicine.And yup I didn't understand the rest.But then,If you want to get the job as a Medical Transcripting,There's this thing you have to read on how to get the job as well.Such as what it does,what it needs,how it works,high school courses,and the training and education.So yeah that's it and peace!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Resume (Rezumay) 101
To tell you the truth,this was the most important article I had read in my entire life! Well kind of cause I've always wanted to succeed in college and hell do something with my life for sake!Yeah if I never read this,I'll be a bump on the log in the future and totally embarrassing.It had give me good ideas what to do and not to do.For me I'll probably write dumb stuff that doesn't sound like a sentence at all more like in another world like star wars.And I loooveda article its ennnterissstingggggggg. IT is! Well give this to career world,keep up the good work and peace!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Careers in the Great Outdoors
This article is about three people who seem to loooove the great outdoors of nature. Well they seem to have interesting jobs.And I didn't know you have to know alot to get with the job.Such as history,geology,the naturalist,etc. Also its alot of work working on the football fields.No wonder why their grass is so clean and healthy there's alot of work to it.Even the old faithful.There are good interesting jobs on great outdoors. But I just don't like going out as much cause it's too damn hot and cold and scary bumble bees flying around.Also get burned easily also the head aches.Anyways, the article was quite interesting to read.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
It's the thoughts that counts
Well hey cool I'm back on my blogger I thought it was a good bye and just read same old boring old laugh blogs.Well here is an interesting article I read about gift exchange which occurs on Christmas day.And I have always thought of "whole world who ever got the worst gift ever?" Yeah some are messed up ones such as pack of cigs to a nonsmoker. Yeah but that would be damn hilarious though.Even a wild turkey is funny I would do that to a geeky person to be free for once.But since I don't do that stuff I wouldn't I'm not that insane.Well it must suck getting frozen potatoes but the good side is at least they helped you to ease down on your grocery list.Also a deer head I'll hand it in the living room kidderz.Well this article seemed interesting and it shortened my childish curiosity.Yeah I enjoyed reading this passage.
Rotten eggs or ham and eggs?
Rotten eggs or ham and eggs?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Where do I go with Speech and Debate?
I didn't know our feet have brains!Um okay will its about if you think with your feet, argue and talk alot this job is good for you.Did I say good?I meant great!The list of jobs are:Acting,sales,broadcasting,government,law,counseling,speechwriting,library, public relations and corporate trainer.So yeah all this and you'll be a true talking machine day and night.And some of these jobs you've gotta have a degree such as: high school,associate,bachlor's,master's and doctoral.Yeah that's all nothing to actually talk about but degrees,jobs and speech and debating.Peace
Me ----> B),c&ra
Me ----> B),c&ra
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Setting Her Sites
Well article was very short about only half a page long.What I thought was its more,way more easier to read and its short and simple but sweet is not included in these words so I'll just say,don't know and don't care.But this person,Robin Liss is known to be the youngest person to be working as a CEO and she loves it.She loves making videos and forever recording stuff and being unique.Not much to say about this no compliments, nothing and yeah that's it.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Working on the Railroad
Carlquist's working on the railroad...blah blah blah I don't know the whole song.Well it's about engineering and what you do on working with Metro North Railroad.They do carry much responsibilities.IT is quite interesting and other stuff they do to keep everything on track,the trains.Carlquist the "train man",Dude she's a dude!hahahahaHA! Yeah I think she is one not kidderz.But she is old though.My gosh I sound stupid as hell.Well yeah I'm getting off the track.Anyways,you gotta have responsibilities and there's much work to do than just stand there and move your hands around *if they do that*. Also 9 eleven,My god thats years back.That's it before my fingers get all cranky and start typing the unknown and unspoken words off english.
ehay anc oyu eadr ti?I'ca? nhte ouy ukcs!
aepce, em.......B)
ehay anc oyu eadr ti?I'ca? nhte ouy ukcs!
aepce, em.......B)
Monday, October 15, 2007
E-Learning:The Anytime, Anywhere Option
Cool well this is pretty well interesting.You don't have to run around like a headless chicken all because of your schedule and other stuff like that.Instead it's online and just keep up with your work and stay on task.Especially if you play sick just to stay home and afraid to miss your favorite show like "mr.Roger and the neighborhood".Yeah that sounds like some kids alright,the ones who listen to mm and all transvestite with afros yeah them...But not the easily distracted ones!Anyways it seems a cool thing to do...not transvestite!I mean the e-learning with online.IT'll be like staying home and do your work while everyone does their own.Well nothing to talk about but COOL!
Also a box of pizza and gummy worms on the side and a bottle of faigo.Now that's what you call a class party...if they have one that is.
Eapce verynoee!
Also a box of pizza and gummy worms on the side and a bottle of faigo.Now that's what you call a class party...if they have one that is.
Eapce verynoee!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Remote Access
A pretty interesting article.It talks about how busy work can be and how busy it is in workers personal life.So there's this thing called Telecommuting.Its like you can work at your home 9-5 workday.But its only okay if people have experienced work a long time and if no distractions in your home.Also you can get more job done than your limit or what tasks are there.Then there's other people who worked like that and they said it's better working like and makes their life easier between work and personal.So there are also other good reasons to:rushing to work,the traffic nightmare,gas prices,children, worry so often,and so much more.The only jobs that are like that are;editing,design, architecture,sales,market research,accounting, and customer service.And what you'll need is a fast speed computer, other stuff too.Yeah that's what I learned today in this Career World......Peace!
.....B) Uhh,thats all that sunk into my head/Kidder(z)
I wish school was like that too so I could just sleep in and just sleep in,:)
.....B) Uhh,thats all that sunk into my head/Kidder(z)
I wish school was like that too so I could just sleep in and just sleep in,:)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Building Pages
First of all,this article is about an interview about this lady,Alison Walsh.She is a producer on a web site called the N.And they are just interviewing her about her job and how it is working there.I thought of it as pretty interesting and cool.It said she took alot of web designing, 3D animation and media classes.Also to keep of with her tasks and tons of meetings.I bet thats very stressful.Well it seems she's used to it. Even talks about her everyday life which is different for her.And some other stuff too, Use the main organ in your body,your brain for creativity.Well it's cool I enjoyed reading it.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Protect the Digital Frontier
About this article's freakin long and took me a long time to read!It's about computers,from internet hackers to looking up dangerous stuff on it.For example, colorless and odorless.But I thought of it important like you can get anything from the internet now.Also chinese breaking through the US top secrets.I don't remember everything from it cause I read so much some just went right through my head and some just bared with me.You know, more like FBI?also the nine eleven thing that went on about seven years ago.It's everything that's have to do with the government and other US stuff...Topsy Krett
...B) c&ra
...B) c&ra
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Get the gig 'Net Working
About this article, I thought of it,good.Well first of all it was said most music is heard on my space and that's how they get famous and stuff like that.Its just like what bands usually do for example "At this Moment".I haven't heard of them yet but I'm just curious about now.Anyways, its just like that but with career with how you put together your blog,web sites,other stuff like that to get noticed in job sites.This one part is plain stupid where some dude put "smokin joints with my homies" Why would you put that? Its stupid,a dumb person would do that.Yeah the article gave good information on landing a career.
ecaep sdneirf,
ecaep sdneirf,
Monday, October 1, 2007
Jacob's Cool Computer Program
Um...Okay...Fixing computerz?So he fixed computers at the age of what?8?That's crazy! Who teached him anyways?So now he gives out computers to his entire community. Well that's kind of creepy.Like what if some people don't know how to use a computer and actually and accidently breaks it?Or what if he gets sued for some thing so stupid? Like a Child was or the dad is looking at something not appropriate?Yeah everyone these days so twisted like Brandon the afro man,him and his neverland.Well this dude on this page seems to be crazy for chips.~hardcore munchy freak~ So I bet stoners are trippen out on his pic on the bag of Doritos.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Well technology in career of today is getting alot crazier.The Job Search for an example, they went from pen and paper to putting cameras in their own faces which is kind of crazy.Also scarier cause you have to look serious on camera and talk with a natural tone of your voice to make it like you're interested and innocent. On paper you'll get away with anything because it's just words you read.But the cool thing is you can be creative with it.The main important part is your communication skills and creativity.But it will be much easier for the person who's interviewing you than you being nervous on the video.So that was what I read today and pretty interesting and scary cause now you can't always get away with murder.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Well this explains it more clearly and positively.First of all,I take biology class and the teacher explains it more creepier.Like Negative in a true strange way.Well I like his weird theories it really leads to something else.It teaches life and death. I seem to love that class cause that teacher is like a g monster to his fellow class. Yeah very is scary...But I'll just carry on with it.
Major-ly Unique
What I thought of the article is cool. You know, like instead of spending so much money on food that is. While you can grow your own. And it’s very interesting that you can actually go to college for that too. Well I think it can be a key to anything. Grow your own food, be a farmer, just know how in case store food gets decontaminated perhaps some are, on this world today of “sickness”. Well pretty interesting article to smack ideas into your head,even if it's narrow.
I know this is an old least I got some work in....
P.S If people think they're very unique like Jesus...Who can be very be careful? Like plant their own food and stuff like that? (Out of my mind)
I know this is an old least I got some work in....
P.S If people think they're very unique like Jesus...Who can be very be careful? Like plant their own food and stuff like that? (Out of my mind)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
What’s New, Interview?
Well as I read this article, I thought of it as interesting and helpful. So far I read something about the career life on finding jobs. Like, I’ve been seeing some people stress and nervous about the big day of job interview. Also some bosses may be tricky to test you by how the way you react towards a mean customer. I don’t have a compliment on it. So that’s it, I won’t fiddle with this article about career life. I never experienced it but in the future some day. Ecaep!
P.S I know its last week's...
P.S I know its last week's...
Ecology by Design
Wow,earth friendly clothes!I wish I was a protester!Lawwky!Anyways I thought of the least someone's trying their best.Like one person makes a difference. Yeah like Brandon's afro for an example also Brandi's glasses and Gerald's let's see... his...cupcake from Brandi?Yeah banged my head very hard,mind is narrow.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Creative?You?Yesh! (article)
Well the article I have read today is about being creative,everyone has it.It's a gift from god!You know like the Transformers?God made man,Then the man made the Transformers so its a sign made from god!Well as I read it I thought Creative doesn't mean you're unique from anyone.Well yeah we are unique but you don't have to show off your mind like it's end of the world and you're the next prophet or anything. It's like what I said its just normal everyone has it.And I'm tired of a bunch of losers saying they're the one and the only unique.Well duh there's like how much people on the planet?Well I think the most strangest of all is my cousin.He's really really really strange but cool to hang out with.Anyways I seem to enjoy reading this article today.It just put everything impossible into reality.PEacE!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Careers On Delivery
Well first of all, about the post office that couple of people experienced and love to this day and over a decade ago.Well I have no compliment on it or nothing.Yeah,I don't know what I just said.I'm just saying anything.It says its a good pay and good place to work.Sorting out the coming and out-going mail which seems yeah. Nothing to say about this article.Except rain, sleet,or snow...Ohhhh big shivers there! They're coming after you to ship you off...(running off forgot to sign off)(Wait,turns around to sign off)(Now runs off):I (My mouth is full) I:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Teacher #1
Well I read an article about a teacher that everyone loves,ahem* everyone loves Raymond. Lol* so yeah. And I thought it was interesting. Well my 5th grade teacher was also cool like that.But he vanish a couple years later(?)Anyways,if I was a teacher I'd put death metal on for the class to hear.Well that is a great way to get on to learning elementary teachers don't do anything that cool but yell at you. I think it was cool no compliments.
Teacher #1 (After Math)
But rap?Well other people love but that's not me will other people.I better shut up before I get shot down.LoL* ;)
Monday, September 17, 2007
My compliments on Career World
This morning read a magazine "Career World".And there are some interesting articles to read about...the career world.I'm serious,interesting.Well the articles are about jobs, colleges,businesses. But the only thing is,being messy is better?What if you lose something easily?Especially working on a very busy schedule.What if they come into your office and think you're a pig?Will what you learned from home,responsibility and organize. Well that's what I thought...That's about it.Then some other things I seem to agree with.
Shmy Shweekend
Fwiday I got got shick, Shadurday I did my homewowk went to tc.Shunday nothing munch. Well my dad came for a vishit over the weekeng, I wash happy!
Shmy Shweekend
Fwiday I got got shick, Shadurday I did my homewowk went to tc.Shunday nothing munch. Well my dad came for a vishit over the weekeng, I wash happy!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
My weegen wash cool
Now I'm at shgool
hahaha funny!Well uh...Why are you reading?I didn't tell you to read!NOT kidders!What did you say?Uhhh...nothing...what duh?yeah that's what you said you FOOLS!Dear Diary Over the weekend I.. NOT!Anyways,visit relatives (shome I didn't know,you know?)Yeah dat waz it.Relatives hahaha!
Learning in web design which was cool.School are for fools!I know.Well learning in Photoshop which is cool.Eyeeeeyalovvvet!Now learning aboot Macromedia Flash its innterrresting...I met the stick figuresss heheh...
Now I'm at shgool
hahaha funny!Well uh...Why are you reading?I didn't tell you to read!NOT kidders!What did you say?Uhhh...nothing...what duh?yeah that's what you said you FOOLS!Dear Diary Over the weekend I.. NOT!Anyways,visit relatives (shome I didn't know,you know?)Yeah dat waz it.Relatives hahaha!
Learning in web design which was cool.School are for fools!I know.Well learning in Photoshop which is cool.Eyeeeeyalovvvet!Now learning aboot Macromedia Flash its innterrresting...I met the stick figuresss heheh...
Monday, August 27, 2007
My gool weekend
On Friday was half a day so I went in the bus and went home.It was cool,I was happy like the Americans the end of WWII.It was sooo unexpected but gool!kabesh?Didn't do much but my homework like a elementary school boy.Saturday I hung with my cousin it was gool and cruel not kiderrrs!Sunday just stayed home and visit my friend Lyle.Long time no see It was gool and yeah that's it. Ththththat's all FOLKS!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Well I did my biology work.Tried to do my math but very confusing so I left it. I didn't do much I had a huge humongous headache that weighs a ton.Yeah I feel possessed.Nothing much
Monday, August 20, 2007
uhhh... what am I doing here?

Wham! I got knocked with a shovel I woke up in school with my friend eating in front of me.I see she's got me a tray how cool!I looked down I saw a note:
Have a nice day in school daughter!
Sincerely Love, Mom.
about the trip... it was okay. To get out of my 3rd and 4th hour that is. Walking to the Navajo mall and the Museum I'll say it was okay. I learned sodas can cost 50 cents! It was freezing hot! but blazing cold in the museum.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Abba-Zabba HELP!!!
Depression,what I have sometimes
Depression,now I have in mind
HI! whoever you are. Now my gummy worms taste like garlic so I'm not my usual today. Sooooooooo much in my mind I have to deal with.~smiling~I don't laugh while depress but someone has to make me.I don't care who. Get me a dough nut with gummy worms in them with a vanilla flavor. PLEASE!! Or just A-z or whatever!So what do you think?Sweets?or wait wait, Sweets+Laughing=HAPPY!
Depression,now I have in mind
HI! whoever you are. Now my gummy worms taste like garlic so I'm not my usual today. Sooooooooo much in my mind I have to deal with.~smiling~I don't laugh while depress but someone has to make me.I don't care who. Get me a dough nut with gummy worms in them with a vanilla flavor. PLEASE!! Or just A-z or whatever!So what do you think?Sweets?or wait wait, Sweets+Laughing=HAPPY!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
" Hey you yeah you! Hit you with the frying pan!"
Remember that song remember? the sell out ? yeah her, I dreamed I hit her across the face with a frying pan while she sang the song. THinking thinking I, me really did that. Anyways... Abba-Zabba you're my only friend!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
catching worms
gummy worms gummy worms cool! I'm chasing gummy worms! so far so good! got at least lost count!what should I do to satisfy my hunger? green eggs and a ham sam I am? well I don't love it, I want living gummy worms!
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